Historic Dance Delights is a Canberra based dance group that brings historical dance to life and shares that enjoyment with our audience through costumed displays.

Our group focuses on recreating the romance and splendour of past dance, displaying everything from stately ballets enjoined in the courts of Europe through to folk dances from the ballrooms and woolsheds of Australia. From the stately Renaissance Pavane to the energetic Victorian Polka.

Historic Dance Delights performs regularly in Canberra, surrounding regions and across Australia. Recent highlights include the Canberra Multicultural Festival, The Queanbeyan Medieval Fair, Floriade, the Derwent Regency Festival Tasmania, and the 2023 National Folk Festival.

We are one of the few groups to perform dances from the 1400s through to the end of the 19th century in full costume. We take audiences on a journey through history, demonstrating dances spanning over 500 years, from the Renaissance until the Edwardian period.

If you would like to get in touch with us, we can be reached through our social media or our email.